Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here is my W-4...

So I have felt convicted about what I have told people about my trip to Japan. For the past two months, when it has come to telling people about my trip, I have usually only said that I am going to Japan to attend a Discipleship Training School, never expounding on what this means for me and my future. Yet while I am "withholding" information, I am getting upset every time someone says, "It is going to be a great experience." Yeah, it is. There is no doubt it will be. But it is so much more than an experience! So much more!
The need for Christ in Japan is overwhelming, and I hope that God plans to use me in a way to make a difference. My time will not be spent going to museums, landmarks, and locations to see Japan in a new light; this trip is about me spending time in unity, scripture, prayer, and outreach to see my Lord and Savior in a new way (how can light itself be seen in a new light?), and glory in Him. This trip is not for me to avoid my career, to do something before settling down, or to have fun, it is for God to be glorified. If I ever think otherwise, God strike me down.
However, the great part about it is while following after God, I DO get to have fun, see things different, visit landmarks and locations, all the while living life for Christ. There is no doubt that living for Christ is an adventure in and of itself!


  1. i like the new name and the blog post and then new about me. the adventures of old j.p. like peanut turn into the adventures of new j.p. with Jesus. I love it.

  2. Yeah, I must have changed them while y'all were gone. Hopefully, I was not like Peanut, eating hot dogs and hanging out with 'ea 'urtles...
