Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Re-entry and Refreshing

So I have been stateside for quite some time without updating the blogosphere recently. Actually since coming back. So hello again! Sorry for the silence!
Re-entry has honestly been very good for me. Since returning, I have tried to be very intentional with my time, and I am currently in several relationships where I am meeting with guys on a regular basis. I have also had several opportunities to meet with other guys for conversations here and there, always trying to make the most of every opportunity. It has been such a blessing for myself and very encouraging, and I hope these individuals feel the same way about our relationships.
But the past two weeks have been very challenging for me. I have found myself slipping into an old way of thinking: I must continue to do a certain thing in order to please God. I have tried to do things on my own strength instead of resting and abiding in him. I have had unbelief instead of having faith. Scripture says it is impossible to please God without faith, and when we try to do something to make God like us or to please Him, we are ultimately not having faith in the fact that a) He already likes us; and b) Jesus did everything necessary to please God!
Wow! Everything is out of our heads! All we have to do is believe! How crazy is that! There is nothing we could do to make God love us any more or any less than He already does! He says “Nothing can separate you from My Love! It is perfect! Stop thinking it is imperfect! I delight in you! I rejoice over you! You are rooted and established in love! Stop living to obtain my love; just receive it!” If we would live FROM a place of love instead of FOR love, the world could not help but be changed! I learned all of this the second month of the DTS, but I am having to recall and call on all of it right now! We cannot forget His perfect Love for us!
I encourage all of you to stop thinking about how you are failing God every day. Stop condemning yourself; there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He does not condemn you, so neither should you. When we continue to condemn ourselves when God does not, we are raising our judgment above God’s. I do not know about you, but He is WAY over my judgment. Instead, start thinking and focusing on how much God loves you! He does! I promise! Once we come into a place of intimacy with the Lover of our soul, He will change us. He will make us new! Know He loves you!
I hope to share about the time I am having in Greenville, SC, right now! I have been here two days now, one more to go, and I have loved every minute of it! I hope to post again soon and share what the time has meant to me!